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Instagram Marketing – Professional Guide

Instagram Marketing – Professional Guide

Dein praxisnaher Leitfaden. Erschienen Januar 2023.
12 Bewertungen
149 €

*inkl. MwSt

Das erwartet dich:

✓ 130 Seiten zu Instagram Marketing
✓ Praxiswissen zu verschiedenen Instagram-Formaten
✓ Reichweitenaufbau und Strategie
✓ Best-Practices zum Instagram-Funnel, Shopping und rechtlichen Aspekten
In den Warenkorb

*Angaben inkl. deutscher Umsatzsteuer. Steuerliche Abweichungen für Auslandskäufe.

Deine Vorteile

Direkt aus der Praxis

Du profitierst von der langjährigen Erfahrung unserer Expert*innen, die ihr Praxis-Wissen in diesem Report aufgeschrieben haben.

Sofort anwendbar

Du erhältst Tipps und Strategien, die wirklich funktionieren und deinem Business unmittelbar weiterhelfen.

Intensiv und erfolgversprechend

Jeder Report enthält praktische Checklisten, Templates, Screencasts und Schritt-für-Schritt-Anleitungen, die du direkt für dich nutzen kannst.

Why Instagram marketing is important for your business

Stories, images, reels and live sessions – Instagram now offers marketers a wide range of content formats with which they can reach their target group. But the format ensemble isn't the only reason why Instagram has become indispensable for brands in their marketing mix: the platform is one of the most popular social media apps in the world. That means: Your customers are waiting on Instagram.

And Instagram not only offers companies a large number of users across almost all demographic groups, but above all the opportunity to map the entire marketing funnel. Are you interested in branding? What's better than Instagram? Because if you use the platform with a well-considered, organic strategy, you can not only increase your reach, but also build and consolidate your brand image. And did you know that Instagram is a great lever for recruiting new staff? The network is a real all-rounder - and unbeatably effective in all areas.

Instagram Marketing Leitfaden Einblick
Instagram Marketing Leitfaden Einblick

Why this report will help you with your Instagram marketing

As playful as Instagram may be, if you want to do successful marketing on the platform, you have to act exactly like you do with Google and Co. This OMR report will help you with that. He shows you how to set up your account, find topics, create a content strategy and an editorial plan, and use community building and management to build a solid (and usually purchase-ready) community.

Instagram is by no means just something you run alongside your website. It's your business card. You shouldn't leave anything to chance. That's why this guide is dedicated in detail to the design of your account - from the name to the uniform feed design for a strong appearance. We'll also show you how to shoot really good reels and go through the individual production steps with you - from the idea to publication on your Instagram channel. And of course it's also about data and measurement. Find out which KPIs are crucial for you, how to develop them and which tools you need. Last but not least: To ensure that you are on safe legal ground, lawyer Dr. Anna Lena Füllsack questions and answers. It reveals what you need to consider in terms of music law, advertising labels and on your profile from a legal perspective.

In this guide, seven experts have their say and share their knowledge with you. Alexander Gieseke from simpleclub provides a practical look and shows how the company uses Instagram along the sales funnel. With this report you are not only ready to go, but also prepared for the future and one step ahead of your competition today.

Perfect for this: Do you want to support your Instagram marketing with influencers? Then take a look at our Influencer Marketing – Professional Guide . The report provides you with deep insights into the collaboration and collaboration with influencers and creators. You will also receive insights into pricing, approach and briefing. Get the report now to perfect your influencer marketing.

Customer Reviews

Based on 12 reviews
Maja Dominiak

alles paletti

Taylan Balaban

Eine außerordentliche PDF. Abgeheftet im eigenen Ordner im Bücherregal. Danke.

Für mich leider wenig Neues

An sich sehr ausführlich beschrieben, für mich aber wenig Neues, da ich aktuell eine Weiterbildung belege. Ich hatte die Hoffnung, dass der Report für Fortgeschrittene ist und noch weiter in die Tiefe geht. Tendenziell eher für Anfänger geeignet, die noch keine Vorerfahrungen haben. Für mich jedoch zu teuer.


Der Report gibt einen guten Überblick über die Thematik mit klarem Praxisbezug.

Karla J.
Sehr gut und umfangreich beschrieben!

Good job Leute! Sowohl für verschiedene Niveaus als auch für verschiedene Themenbereiche sehr gute Inhalte!

Madeleine Freitag

Instagram Marketing – Professional Guide

Cosima Werr

Ich habe das Gefühl ich habe jetzt ein tieferes Verständnis für Instagram.

Luisa Bisswanger

Instagram Marketing – Professional Guide


Sehr spannender Report, ich nehme viel mit und freue mich alles anzuwenden.

Olaf Glaubitz
Das lohnt sich

1 A Preis Leistung



(12 Bewertungen)

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Benjamin Diedering | Gründer und CEO, BDX Media |

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Dr. Anna Lena Füllsack | Fachanwältin für Technology, Media und Communications, CMS Hasche Sigle |

Dr. Anna Lena Füllsack

Fachanwältin für Technology, Media und Communications, CMS Hasche Sigle 

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