Data-driven marketing: What you need to know

Data-driven marketing is about collecting, evaluating and interpreting data in order to use it strategically for marketing. Data is used to better understand user behavior. Marketing decisions can be made and data-driven campaigns can be set up based on these findings.

But things can quickly get confusing in the world of data. This is where marketers who can read and interpret the numbers have the edge.

Analysis, interpretation, derivation: step by step to data-driven marketing

Data-driven marketing relies on meaningful data: How does the funnel your customers go through work? Where do your customers drop off? What are the most important KPIs for your industry? How do you set up good tracking? And cookie tracking – is that still possible?

In our practical guide, the above questions about data-driven marketing are answered and you will learn from the smartest minds in the industry which data is relevant in marketing. In the guide, you will not only learn how to get your users' data, but also how to interpret it correctly. Because these are the keys: analyzing user data, interpreting the data and deriving measures.

More than 100 pages of professional knowledge await you and will help you understand the basics of data-based marketing – even real data nerds will learn something new.

Data-driven marketing: continuous training is essential

Learning data analytics pays off because it allows you to minimize uncertainty in marketing decisions in the long term. But in the world of data, things quickly become confusing - one update follows the next.

For example, Apple has made tracking more difficult since iOS14, cookies are being handled more and more restrictively in browsers, and with Email Privacy Protection, email attribution is also facing major changes.

To keep track of things, you have to stay on top of things and expand your know-how and knowledge. Only those who are constantly educating themselves will be prepared for any changes in tracking and analytics.

We understand this and, in addition to our OMR Professional Guide to Digital Analytics, we offer two additional digital analytics learning opportunities for different levels of knowledge.

Beginners can learn all the basics of data-based marketing within 10 weeks at the OMR Academy Digital Marketing Analytics . Data nerds can gain further know-how in the OMR Deep Dive seminars . In conclusion, all that remains to be said is: take the opportunity to reinvent your analytics game and watch your sales curve climb upwards.

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