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Data Driven Marketing – Strategy Guide

Data Driven Marketing – Strategy Guide

Dein praxisnaher Leitfaden. Erschienen November 2022.
149 €

*inkl. MwSt

Das erwartet dich:

✓ 100 Seiten Expert*innenwissen zum Data Driven Marketing
✓ Anleitung zum Aufbau eines eigenen Daten-Setups
✓ Tipps zu Tracking, Datenaufbereitung/-analyse und Visualisierung
✓ Downloads, Checklisten und Screencast für die Datenstrategie

*Angaben inkl. deutscher Umsatzsteuer. Steuerliche Abweichungen für Auslandskäufe.

Deine Vorteile

Direkt aus der Praxis

Du profitierst von der langjährigen Erfahrung unserer Expert*innen, die ihr Praxis-Wissen in diesem Report aufgeschrieben haben.

Sofort anwendbar

Du erhältst Tipps und Strategien, die wirklich funktionieren und deinem Business unmittelbar weiterhelfen.

Intensiv und erfolgversprechend

Jeder Report enthält praktische Checklisten, Templates, Screencasts und Schritt-für-Schritt-Anleitungen, die du direkt für dich nutzen kannst.

Why data-driven marketing is relevant for you

Successful digital business models are based on data. Companies should know who their target group is, how they typically move online and how to reach them. At the same time, data-driven companies keep an eye on their expenses and can distribute their budget efficiently across marketing measures and channels. This not only improves marketing profitability, but also cost efficiency. That is exactly the goal of data driven marketing.

There are lots of opportunities for your business in data-driven work. However, setting up such a data setup is complicated and time-consuming. The legal and technical hurdles are enormous - especially when existing processes in the company have to be rethought. There are also challenges such as the “cookieless future” and tracking restrictions from Apple, Google and Co. Marketers who prepare for the “new data world” in good time and put their data setup on a future-proof foundation are at the forefront here.

Data Driven Marketing - Strategy Guide Einblick
Data Driven Marketing - Strategy Guide Einblick

Why this report helps you in data driven marketing

This report is a blueprint for your data setup. He shows you how to set up your tracking in a legally secure and technically correct manner so that you can continue to collect data in the future. In addition, it is about data preparation and analysis - the central keys to understanding and benefiting from data. You will find out what tools and ways there are to model data and what organizational skills are required. You will also get helpful tips for visualizing this data. What makes a good dashboard? How do the findings from your data analysis find their way to the relevant teams? All of this is part of this report.

In this strategy guide you benefit from the many years of experience of our experts. Lead author Jonas Rashedi, Chief Data Officer at Funke Medien, has been in the world of data for years and advises numerous customers himself. The data team from Douglas worked with him on this report, and they have built up a professional setup for data driven marketing over the years. And to ensure that you are in safe legal waters, our lawyer and data protection expert Dr. Nils Christian Haag on board.

In short: This OMR report provides you with the knowledge and experience that you need to future-proof and perfect your data driven marketing.

Did you know? In addition, with our OMR report on digital analytics we offer a guide that specifically focuses on the most important KPIs and key figures of various business models. While this "Data Driven Marketing" report is about building the data setup from tracking to visualization, in the Digital Analytics Reports you will find out how to interpret and apply which KPIs and key figures.

Customer Reviews

Based on 6 reviews
Joerg Bolik

Inhaltlich umfassend und gut. Aus meiner Sicht fordert dieses Thema ein jährliches Update.


Data Driven Marketing – Strategy Guide

Lukas Nestvogel

Ist gut

Patrick U.
Konnte nicht viel rausziehen

würde mir wünschen, dass mehr aufs Tracking Setup eingegangen wird. Zb Shopify Setup etc. Google Analytics 4, serverseitiges Tracking. Hands on Tipps für Ecommerce.

Hallo Patrick,

danke dir für dein ehrliches Feedback! Das Thema 'serverseitiges Tracking' sowie Tools für Shopify sind ja tatsächlich Bestandteil des Reports, daher würden wir gerne genauer erfahren, was dir speziell gefehlt hat. Schreib uns doch einfach eine Mail an, vielleicht können wir dir mit deinen Problemstellungen anderweitig noch weiterhelfen.

Viele Grüße
dein OMR Education Team

Daniel Busch

Data Driven Marketing – Strategy Guide

Marie Rupprecht

Data Driven Marketing – Strategy Guide

Diese Köpfe stecken hinter den Inhalten
Jonas Rashedi | Chief Data Officer, Funke Medien |

Jonas Rashedi

Chief Data Officer, Funke Medien
Yael Farkas | Team Lead Digital Intelligence, Douglas |

Yael Farkas

Team Lead Digital Intelligence, Douglas
Jan Berens | Team Lead Marketing Technologies, Douglas |

Jan Berens

Team Lead Marketing Technologies, Douglas
Thomas Andreas Borlik | Principal Project Manager Data, Douglas |

Thomas Andreas Borlik

Principal Project Manager Data, Douglas
Coosje Dwertmann | Team Lead Reporting and Business Intelligence, Douglas |

Coosje Dwertmann

Team Lead Reporting and Business Intelligence, Douglas
Christian Rödenbeck | Team Lead Audience and Data Activation, Douglas |

Christian Rödenbeck

Team Lead Audience and Data Activation, Douglas
Christian Koldehoff | Head of Global CRM Analytics, Douglas |

Christian Koldehoff

Head of Global CRM Analytics, Douglas
Dr. Nils Christian Haag | Rechtsanwalt und Vorstand, intersoft consulting services AG |

Dr. Nils Christian Haag

Rechtsanwalt und Vorstand, intersoft consulting services AG
Diese Köpfe stecken hinter den Inhalten
Jonas Rashedi | Chief Data Officer, Funke Medien |

Jonas Rashedi

Chief Data Officer, Funke Medien
Yael Farkas | Team Lead Digital Intelligence, Douglas |

Yael Farkas

Team Lead Digital Intelligence, Douglas
Jan Berens | Team Lead Marketing Technologies, Douglas |

Jan Berens

Team Lead Marketing Technologies, Douglas
Thomas Andreas Borlik | Principal Project Manager Data, Douglas |

Thomas Andreas Borlik

Principal Project Manager Data, Douglas
Coosje Dwertmann | Team Lead Reporting and Business Intelligence, Douglas |

Coosje Dwertmann

Team Lead Reporting and Business Intelligence, Douglas
Christian Rödenbeck | Team Lead Audience and Data Activation, Douglas |

Christian Rödenbeck

Team Lead Audience and Data Activation, Douglas
Christian Koldehoff | Head of Global CRM Analytics, Douglas |

Christian Koldehoff

Head of Global CRM Analytics, Douglas
Dr. Nils Christian Haag | Rechtsanwalt und Vorstand, intersoft consulting services AG |

Dr. Nils Christian Haag

Rechtsanwalt und Vorstand, intersoft consulting services AG

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