Performance Marketing: Making advertising success measurable

Performance marketing is a discipline in online marketing that focuses on measurable performance and brings together online marketing tools that can be used to achieve measurable user response.

Performance marketing aims to create marketing measures that are as efficient as possible. The costs of advertising measures are scaled based on the success of a campaign, which is measured in terms of sales, leads or clicks.

Performance marketing has two main characteristics: on the one hand, measurability using predefined KPIs and, on the other hand, modularity. Performance marketing therefore relies on different communication tools, all of which can be measured and optimized independently of one another. This means that small adjustments can be made even during an ongoing campaign in order to achieve the best possible result. In short: performance marketing is a huge opportunity to take your business to the next level and make your advertising success measurable.

This is how performance marketing works

The measures and channels used in performance marketing vary depending on the objective and target group. Possible performance marketing channels include SEA (search engine advertising) or Facebook & Instagram advertising.

As a marketer, entering the world of performance marketing and fighting for users' attention requires a lot of effort. SEA and Facebook & Instagram advertising are not a sure-fire success. Our practical guides will help you with this.

With the guides on SEA & Google Ads as well as Facebook & Instagram Advertising, you can learn from the best in the industry. Our professionals not only know every button, but also show you which strategies really make sense - and what you should stay away from. Take the chance to learn from experienced professionals and increase your learning curve. You'd rather leave time-consuming trial and error to your competitors.

Further training in performance marketing

Whether SEA or Facebook & Instagram advertising – the world of performance marketing is diverse and moves quickly. It is not easy for performance marketers to always be up to date, check every update and constantly develop new concepts.

In addition to our practical guides, we also offer further performance marketing training courses with which you can increase your know-how and knowledge.

Beginners can learn the basics of SEA & Google Ads in the OMR Academy and Facebook & Instagram Advertising in the OMR Academy within 10 weeks. Performance marketing professionals can gain further knowledge in the OMR Deep Dive online seminars .

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