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Gen Z – Professional Guide

Gen Z – Professional Guide

Dein praxisnaher Leitfaden als PDF. Erschienen Januar 2022.
7 Bewertungen
149 €

*inkl. MwSt

Das erwartet dich:

✓ Über 120 Seiten Expert*innenwissen
✓ Überblick über Merkmale, Wünsche und Werte der Generation Z
✓ Inspirationen, Best Practices und Strategien für das Gen-Z-Marketing
✓ Templates für dein Gen Z-Konzept
✓ Recruiting und Rechtliches
In den Warenkorb

*Angaben inkl. deutscher Umsatzsteuer. Steuerliche Abweichungen für Auslandskäufe.

Deine Vorteile

Direkt aus der Praxis

Du profitierst von der langjährigen Erfahrung unserer Expert*innen, die ihr Praxis-Wissen in diesem Report aufgeschrieben haben.

Sofort anwendbar

Du erhältst Tipps und Strategien, die wirklich funktionieren und deinem Business unmittelbar weiterhelfen.

Intensiv und erfolgversprechend

Jeder Report enthält praktische Checklisten, Templates, Screencasts und Schritt-für-Schritt-Anleitungen, die du direkt für dich nutzen kannst.

Why Gen Z marketing is relevant for you

When it comes to Generation Z, older marketers cringe and prejudices abound: dancing teenagers, short attention spans and only using smartphones. This report dispels these myths and lets you get close to the young target group back. And that is important – no matter what business you are in. When we talk about Gen Z, today we are talking about young adults who have good purchasing power. Gen Z is your future! She will be one of your most important customers in not too long.

You should also urgently engage with and understand this audience so that you effectively and authentically can address with marketing. This Professional Guide – Gen Z makes exactly that possible.

The OMR report shows you how to target your marketing to Gen Z alignment. It also gives you valuable insights into the topics of HR and recruiting. It helps you attract Gen Z as employees. This enables you to secure the best young talent in your industry.

Gen Z - Profi-Guide Einblick
Gen Z - Profi-Guide Einblick

What you can learn from this report for your Gen Z marketing

This guide is not just “an outside look” at Generation Z. It illuminates them from the inside. The report features the best experts who speak out every day deal with the young target group - whether as a marketing professional at Odaline or House of Yas, as a creator like Sven Oechler or as a human resources and HR expert like Eva Stock.

You will learn in numerous practical cases and interviews how you should align your Gen Z marketing, what requirements young people have for products and how you can build a strong Gen Z brand. We have contributions from digital expert Dr. Teo Pham, Philip Papendieck and Alisa Sljoka from Intermate, Benjamin Porten from Naughty Nuts, Anna-Lena Wagner from Volksbank Mittelhessen, creator Gesine Schulz (aka. @diepersonalberatung) and Urs Meier from Project Z present the concentrated Gen Z expertise Begin. Little by little you will understand how to develop a concept that takes all aspects and possibilities into account.

Using the strategy templates in this report you can Additionally, record your individual Gen Z concept for practice. So after reading this report you can get straight into implementation.

Why you can stay one step ahead of your competition with the Gen Z report

This report is an investment in your future. While your competition is still pondering what “cringe” means and is increasingly losing touch, you reach a new target group – one that you can benefit from for a long time to come. Because the people you reach today are the customers of tomorrow.

Marketers have ignored Generation Z for too long. You now have the chance to steal customers from your competitors by knowing what young people expect from brands. Against the background of the shortage of skilled workers, you can outdo your competition: The Professional Guide – Gen Z reveals how you Recruiting and HR you can rethink things so that talent wants to work for you. Here, too, times have changed and we need to rethink: Today, companies have to advertise to people. Epic-length cover letter on paper? These days are also over.

Get the knowledge you need now to get started in Gen Z marketing !

Gen Z - Profi-Guide Einblick

Customer Reviews

Based on 7 reviews
Anne Rogalla

Gen Z – Professional Guide

Mega viele Infos & Checklisten

Der Report ist sehr umfassend und mit vielen Tipps. Eine gute Ergänzung zu Studien etc.

Insa von Zeppelin

Gen Z – Professional Guide

Justus Kuhlmann

Gen Z – Professional Guide

Nadja von Bossel

Gen Z – Professional Guide

Wie alle OMR Reports sehr Praxisnah und hilfreich

Vielen Dank!

Sarah Brunswig

Gen Z – Professional Guide



(7 Bewertungen)

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