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Influencer Marketing – Professional Guide

Influencer Marketing – Professional Guide

Dein praxisnaher Leitfaden als PDF. Erschienen März 2022.
149 €

*inkl. MwSt

Das erwartet dich:

✓ Über 140 Seiten Expert*innenwissen
✓ Zielgruppen, Pricing, Recherche, Reporting und Plattformen
✓ Interviews mit Influencer*innen, Best Cases und Tipps für die Praxis
✓ Inkl. Vorlage für den Influencer*innen-Vertrag zum Download

*Angaben inkl. deutscher Umsatzsteuer. Steuerliche Abweichungen für Auslandskäufe.

Deine Vorteile

Direkt aus der Praxis

Du profitierst von der langjährigen Erfahrung unserer Expert*innen, die ihr Praxis-Wissen in diesem Report aufgeschrieben haben.

Sofort anwendbar

Du erhältst Tipps und Strategien, die wirklich funktionieren und deinem Business unmittelbar weiterhelfen.

Intensiv und erfolgversprechend

Jeder Report enthält praktische Checklisten, Templates, Screencasts und Schritt-für-Schritt-Anleitungen, die du direkt für dich nutzen kannst.

Why influencer marketing is relevant for you

Influencer marketing has come of age - and is now one of the most important building blocks for companies in their advertising strategy. No matter whether it is about increasing sales, awareness or brand building, a cooperation with influencers can pay off for many brands. Assuming you know the rules of the game. Because today it is no longer the companies who dictate where things go, but rather the creators. They know best what resonates with their community, how to create content that fits natively into their feed, and when to post what. Today’s influencers are content professionals. And this new (adult) self-image of influencers is a game changer for the entire industry. If you want to continue to enter into successful collaborations with creators, you have to adapt to it in order not to be relegated to the cat table.

In this OMR report we show you how influencer marketing has developed in recent years and how you can develop your marketing strategy adapts to it. We provide you with deep insights into the topics of pricing, approach and briefing as well as platform selection. With this professional guide you will quickly become a professional in influencer marketing so that you can scale your successes.

Influencer Marketing – Profi-Guide Einblick
Influencer Marketing – Profi-Guide Einblick

What you can learn in influencer marketing with this report

In short: Really everything you need to know. The OMR Report offers you a comprehensive picture in eight chapters. You'll learn from scratch what's important today for collaboration with creators is important - from the platform and creator research to the approach to planning and implementation. There are also chapters on pricing, reporting and performance marketing. We calculate what an influencer costs and what prices you can expect.

We also have a truly unique OMR for you: You can use a decision tree to find the right influencer platform for your brand. And as if that wasn't enough, there is also a Blank contract for influencer cooperation in this guide.

To make all of this possible, we have six absolute experts for this report , a law specialist and numerous interview partners. The leaders are Alina Ludwig, Managing Director at ODALINE, and Sven Wedig, founder and CEO of the Vollpension Medien agency. In the Professional Guide, the two professionals not only share with you learnings for your influencer marketing, but also provide you with pro and practical tips across all chapters. In addition, you will get insights into how other brands do in numerous interviews and best cases and creators use influencer marketing for themselves today.

Why you can stay one step ahead of the competition with the influencer marketing guide

Long briefings, unnecessary costs and research as well as aimless reporting calls are put to an end with this professional guide. While your competition still thinks that influencers just look nice and hold products in the camera, you are already starting with the help of creators individualized, creative and, last but not least, successful campaigns – and not just on Instagram or YouTube. Be one of the early movers on platforms like Discord, Twitch or TikTok and secure the attention of your target group.

Together with our experts, we will show you how to do this in this report. Additional bonus: We're shedding some light on the dark pricing topic. Which fees and costs are appropriate, how you can calculate them as an example and Our experts will explain to you which content pieces are really worthwhile for you. And while you're firing out one offer after the next, other companies are still trying to bag barter deals (and that's really 2019).

Get your knowledge about influencer marketingwith this OMR report > and get started today!

Influencer Marketing – Profi-Guide Einblick

Customer Reviews

Based on 7 reviews
Philipp Lichtenberg

Influencer Marketing – Professional Guide

Nicole Sielaff
Super informativ und hilfreich!

Alleine für die Vertragsvorlage lohnt sich dieser Guide schon. :)


Sehr informativ, aber auch ganz schön teuer :)

Konrad Schmitz
Sehr gut geschrieben und übersichtlich dargestellt


Kompaktes Wissen Deluxe

Ich liebe die Guides und Reports. Es ist alles kompakt und verständlich zusammengefasst. Echt spannend und gut

Sven Winkel
Kundenservice par excellence

Hab den Report noch nicht gelesen aber der Support war erstklassig. Habe unmittelbar nach meiner Anfrage Antworten erhalten. Der Report ist als Download verfügbar, bei Nachfrage wurde sofort eine gedruckte Variante versendet die binnen weniger Tage da war. Danke dafür, weiter so OMR!

Florian Bein
Wie immer top!!

Sehr zufrieden

Diese Köpfe stecken hinter den Inhalten
Sven Wedig | Vollpension Medien |

Sven Wedig

Vollpension Medien
Alina Ludwig | ODALINE |

Alina Ludwig

Melisa Kalay | ODALINE |

Melisa Kalay

Maximilian Wolf | Advertace |

Maximilian Wolf

Johannes Hirsch | Advertace |

Johannes Hirsch

Helena Rettig | Advertace |

Helena Rettig

Dr. Martin Gerecke | CMS Deutschland |

Dr. Martin Gerecke

CMS Deutschland
Diese Köpfe stecken hinter den Inhalten
Sven Wedig | Vollpension Medien |

Sven Wedig

Vollpension Medien
Alina Ludwig | ODALINE |

Alina Ludwig

Melisa Kalay | ODALINE |

Melisa Kalay

Maximilian Wolf | Advertace |

Maximilian Wolf

Johannes Hirsch | Advertace |

Johannes Hirsch

Helena Rettig | Advertace |

Helena Rettig

Dr. Martin Gerecke | CMS Deutschland |

Dr. Martin Gerecke

CMS Deutschland

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