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Landing page optimization – practical guide

Landing page optimization – practical guide

Dein praxisnaher Leitfaden als PDF. Erschienen April 2021.
2 Bewertungen
73 €

*inkl. MwSt

Das erwartet dich:

✓ 120 Seiten Expert*innenwissen für mehr Conversions
✓ Praxis-Tipps für bessere Landingpages
✓ Shop-Optimierung und Hacks aus der Verkaufspsychologie
✓ Screencasts zum Einrichten von Tests und Tools
✓ Praxisnahe Conversion-Audits

*Angaben inkl. deutscher Umsatzsteuer. Steuerliche Abweichungen für Auslandskäufe.

Deine Vorteile

Direkt aus der Praxis

Du profitierst von der langjährigen Erfahrung unserer Expert*innen, die ihr Praxis-Wissen in diesem Report aufgeschrieben haben.

Sofort anwendbar

Du erhältst Tipps und Strategien, die wirklich funktionieren und deinem Business unmittelbar weiterhelfen.

Intensiv und erfolgversprechend

Jeder Report enthält praktische Checklisten, Templates, Screencasts und Schritt-für-Schritt-Anleitungen, die du direkt für dich nutzen kannst.

Why landing page optimization is important for you and your business?

Optimizing your landing pages has an immediate impact on your goals. On the one hand, it makes users happy because they can browse your pages without much difficulty and find exactly what they are looking for. On the other hand, you and your brand benefit from this, because the better your site is tailored to your target group, the higher the number of conversions and sales per customer are.

Landing page optimization is also relevant for any business that wants more revenue from its traffic want to get out. Your pages should immediately convince visitors, because the competition is often just a click away, for example when visitors come to the landing pages from search engines or social networks.

This practical guide shows you what tricks and levers experts use in landing page optimization. You will learn which elements are particularly important in strong landing pages, how to build landing pages and how to test different variants against each other. Because even with small changes you can have a big impact. You will also gain deep insights into the conversion optimization of online shops, the research methods and sales psychology.

Landingpage-Optimierung - Praxis-Guide Einblick
Landingpage-Optimierung - Praxis-Guide Einblick

Why this report will help you use landing page optimization for you and your business?

The practical guide to landing page optimization is not just a source of ideas and a strategy companion. He also shows you how you can improve your pages through structured A/B testing firmly integrated into your operational processes. This will help you avoid having to implement huge relaunch projects that involve large opportunity costs.

Because one thing is clear: Landing page optimization is a continuous process that never ends. There is always something to improve. However, many companies make a significant mistake when optimizing pages: their improvements and tests are based on mere guesswork like “the green button ensures more conversions”.

In this report you will learn how to use the right elements and content for your target group identify and gradually optimize them. You don't need any programming knowledge, just the knowledge and data that justify optimization. We will also show you how to collect these and what typical errors there are in the analysis in this practical guide.

Why you can stay one step ahead of your competition with this report?

As you read this guide, you will find that you start to question your own sides. That's exactly what it's about.For users to buy or leave their data with you, they must be sure that you are perfect for solving the problem bis.

While your competitors are optimizing something here and there that they think customers would appreciate, you know how to Set up tests you need to know which elements you should tackle and how you can prioritize your hypotheses. This guide explains all of this to you easy to understand and compact, so you don't have to You lose time and can implement the knowledge directly for your business.

This report is your companion on the way to more sales and valuable conversions . It's packed with ideas, best practices and tips that come straight from practice. Our experts have years of experience in landing page and conversion optimization, which they pass on to you in this report. Get the expert knowledge you need to get started right away.

Landingpage-Optimierung - Praxis-Guide Einblick

Customer Reviews

Based on 2 reviews
Doris Gietl
Super Report!

Schön geschrieben mit hilfreichen Informationen, Tipps und Grafiken.

Anic Domenico
Gut aufbebaut

Sehr guter Praxis Guide



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Fabian Gmeindl | DRIP Agency |

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Matthias Niggehoff | Verkaufspsychologie Institut |

Matthias Niggehoff

Verkaufspsychologie Institut
Diese Köpfe stecken hinter den Inhalten
Nils Kattau | Conversion Specialist |

Nils Kattau

Conversion Specialist
Samuel Hess | DRIP Agency |

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DRIP Agency
Fabian Gmeindl | DRIP Agency |

Fabian Gmeindl

DRIP Agency
Matthias Niggehoff | Verkaufspsychologie Institut |

Matthias Niggehoff

Verkaufspsychologie Institut

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