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WhatsApp Marketing - Professional Guide

WhatsApp Marketing - Professional Guide

73 €

*inkl. MwSt

Das erwartet dich:

✓ 140 Seiten exklusives Expert*innenwissen
✓ Schritt-für-Schritt-Anleitungen für Business-App und API
✓ Leads generieren und Legal-Part
✓ Interviews und Use Cases mit und von erfolgreichen WhatsApp-Marketeers

*Angaben inkl. deutscher Umsatzsteuer. Steuerliche Abweichungen für Auslandskäufe.

Deine Vorteile

Direkt aus der Praxis

Du profitierst von der langjährigen Erfahrung unserer Expert*innen, die ihr Praxis-Wissen in diesem Report aufgeschrieben haben.

Sofort anwendbar

Du erhältst Tipps und Strategien, die wirklich funktionieren und deinem Business unmittelbar weiterhelfen.

Intensiv und erfolgversprechend

Jeder Report enthält praktische Checklisten, Templates, Screencasts und Schritt-für-Schritt-Anleitungen, die du direkt für dich nutzen kannst.

Why is WhatsApp a relevant channel for your business?

WhatsApp is a valuable lever in every industry – whether in B2C or B2B, in e-commerce, insurance business, in the high-end segment or for publishers. HR? That works too! In short: It seems like everyone in the DACH region uses WhatsApp and you are looking for this opportunity for customer access via Messenger.

Effective customer service and full shopping carts thanks to WhatsApp – your target group is waiting. Not only does WhatsApp have more than two billion users worldwide, in Germany an overwhelming majority uses the green messenger service several times a day, regardless of age. Users chat with friends, family and colleagues. But they are also communicating more and more with companies. Via WhatsApp you can support customer care thanks to asynchronous communication more effective and contemporary design. This saves resources.

You also form the entire customer journey in WhatsApp advise and sell. Chatbots and smart query design enable you to generate valuable leads tailored to your target group. There is nothing customers appreciate more than smooth processes and little effort. Your days spent waiting in long queues are finally over. With WhatsApp you have the great opportunity to become their love brand with simple means!

WhatsApp Marketing – Profi-Guide Einblick
WhatsApp Marketing – Profi-Guide Einblick

Why does this report help you use WhatsApp for your business?

Newsletter ban, encryption, GDPR and data protection, API connection: this initially puts many companies off. We will show you in this 140-page report everything you need to know to use WhatsApp successfully and securely for your business.

Step by step we will guide you through the Business app and the WhatsApp API and their setups, explain how you can collect high-quality leads with little effort, fill your CRM with data and what tricks there are to generate even more sales. The whole thing doesn't come from anywhere, but from those who should know: Stephanie Wißmann, Vice President Digital and Growth at tyntec, Felix Belau, co-founder of Chatchamp, and Matthias Mehner, CMO of MessengerPeople, are our authors - each of them full professionals in their field.

As always, we have also contacted lawyer Julia Storkenmaier for you. legal advice so that opt-ins and the like won't be a problem for you. In addition, entrepreneurs who work with chats on a daily basis let you look over their shoulders and see how they successfully use WhatsApp with small and big tricks.

Why are you one step ahead of your competition with this report?

This report is full of expert knowledge from practice and shows you what will soon be possible with WhatsApp, so that you know today what will be possible tomorrow. The Professionals Guide to WhatsApp lets you early adopters and pioneers who is already using WhatsApp successfully when everyone else is just getting the idea.

Unlike email inboxes, WhatsApp still has room for companies and their services. There you will receive the Attention you deserve and stay in the memory of your customers. While your competitors are still mourning the ban on newsletters on WhatsApp, you will learn how communication – even via push notifications – works with WhatsApp without the use of huge budgets.

WhatsApp Marketing – Profi-Guide Einblick


( Bewertungen)

50.000+ Fachkräfte bilden sich pro Jahr mit OMR Education weiter.

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Diese Köpfe stecken hinter den Inhalten
Stephanie Wißmann | tyntec |

Stephanie Wißmann

Felix Belau | Chatchamp |

Felix Belau

Julia Storkenmaier | Meta Facebook |

Julia Storkenmaier

Meta Facebook
Matthias Mehner | MessengerPeople |

Matthias Mehner

Diese Köpfe stecken hinter den Inhalten
Stephanie Wißmann | tyntec |

Stephanie Wißmann

Felix Belau | Chatchamp |

Felix Belau

Julia Storkenmaier | Meta Facebook |

Julia Storkenmaier

Meta Facebook
Matthias Mehner | MessengerPeople |

Matthias Mehner


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