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Talent Acquisition – Professional Guide

Talent Acquisition – Professional Guide

Dein praxisnaher Leitfaden. Erschienen Mai 2023.
149 €

*inkl. MwSt

Das erwartet dich:

✓ Mehr als 120 Seiten Expert*innenwissen
✓ Maßnahmen, Kanäle und Methoden, um Talente zu gewinnen und zu halten
✓ Insights zu Recruiting, Stellenanzeigen, Active Sourcing, HR-Marketing, Employer Branding und Retention (Mitarbeiterbindung)
✓ Schritt-für-Schritt-Anleitungen, Downloads, Interviews und Praxis-Cases

*Angaben inkl. deutscher Umsatzsteuer. Steuerliche Abweichungen für Auslandskäufe.

Deine Vorteile

Direkt aus der Praxis

Du profitierst von der langjährigen Erfahrung unserer Expert*innen, die ihr Praxis-Wissen in diesem Report aufgeschrieben haben.

Sofort anwendbar

Du erhältst Tipps und Strategien, die wirklich funktionieren und deinem Business unmittelbar weiterhelfen.

Intensiv und erfolgversprechend

Jeder Report enthält praktische Checklisten, Templates, Screencasts und Schritt-für-Schritt-Anleitungen, die du direkt für dich nutzen kannst.

Why this talent acquisition report is important for your company

Talent acquisition means attracting new skilled workers. But talent acquisition actually means more than that. If you want to attract new talent and inspire them for your company in times of skilled labor shortages, you have to set up modern recruiting and HR marketing. You should think about your employer identity – employer branding – and consider how you can design the candidate journey so that it fits the needs of the talent. At the same time, recruiting can be no matter how good it is if you can't keep employees. That's why the topic of Retention (employee loyalty) belongs in a successful talent acquisition strategy.

This OMR report is your complete guide on the way there. It provides solutions, checklists and examples to adapt your talent acquisition to the challenges of the skills shortage. Because one thing is clear: the competition for talent is won by those who offer more than table football and fruit baskets. The guide not only shows you effective measures and methods for your recruiting, but also gives answers to questions about how you can become attractive to your target group as an employer and how you can retain employees in the long term using various tools.

Talent Acquisition Einblick
Talent Acquisition Einblick

What you will learn in this OMR report

On the more than 120 pages of this report, you will learn about measures to distribute job advertisements or approach potential candidates using active sourcing. It is also about the technical and content-related structure of career pages and job advertisements. You'll learn how to optimize the pages and adapt them to your target group so that they have an impact. We'll also show you how to make your recruiting activities measurable and thus optimize them step by step.

Because recruiting also changes processes within the company itself, this report also covers the building and coordination of recruiting teams and processes. You will find out what resources you need and how collaboration between the company's teams works. Ultimately, it's about the recruitment and selection process, the formation of so-called Talent Pools for future positions and the sustainable retention of employees.

But we don't just stick with theory. You will also learn from the creators behind companies like BabyOne, Doctolib and the Grimme Group how talent acquisition works in practice. The checklists, interviews and pro tips in this report will help you transfer what you have learned directly into your everyday recruiting routine. With the knowledge and experience of our experts, you are well equipped to sustainably improve your recruiting, employer branding and HR marketing.

Customer Reviews

Based on 3 reviews
Alles TOP!

So wie erwartet...on Point! Danke OMR!

Bietet leider wenig Mehrwert

Inhalt ist leider sehr basic und vielleicht für einen Absolventen oder Neueinsteiger interessant. Für jeden mit etwas Berufserfahrung, auch außerhalb von HR, bietet der Guide in meinen Augen kaum Mehrwert - erst Recht nicht für den normalen Verkaufspreis.

Hallo Christina,

es tut uns leid, dass der Report nicht deinen Erwartungen entsprochen hat. Gibt es bestimmte Themen, zu denen dir mehr inhaltliche Tiefe oder die dir sogar komplett gefehlt haben?

Viele Grüße
dein OMR Education Team

Detailliert, strukturiert, und mega hilfreich!

Der OMR Report über Talent Acquisition hilft mir wirklich sehr, das Thema besser zu verstehen und dabei erste Erfolge zu erzielen. Toll, dass sich so viele Experten zusammen gesetzt haben und so etwas kreiert haben, weiter so!

Diese Köpfe stecken hinter den Inhalten
Jan Hawliczek | Gründer, Die Grüne 3 |

Jan Hawliczek

Gründer, Die Grüne 3
Jule Bock | People Lead, Heyflow |

Jule Bock

People Lead, Heyflow
Marcus Merheim | Gründer, hooman EMPLOYER MARKETING |

Marcus Merheim

Sabrina Haßelbusch | Strategin, hooman EMPLOYER MARKETING |

Sabrina Haßelbusch

Strategin, hooman EMPLOYER MARKETING 
Sarah Böning | Gründerin, Talent Centric |

Sarah Böning

Gründerin, Talent Centric
Robindro Ullah | CEO, Trendence Insitut |

Robindro Ullah

CEO, Trendence Insitut
Lukas Brandstetter | Talent Acquisition Lead DACH, Danone |

Lukas Brandstetter

Talent Acquisition Lead DACH, Danone
Diese Köpfe stecken hinter den Inhalten
Jan Hawliczek | Gründer, Die Grüne 3 |

Jan Hawliczek

Gründer, Die Grüne 3
Jule Bock | People Lead, Heyflow |

Jule Bock

People Lead, Heyflow
Marcus Merheim | Gründer, hooman EMPLOYER MARKETING |

Marcus Merheim

Sabrina Haßelbusch | Strategin, hooman EMPLOYER MARKETING |

Sabrina Haßelbusch

Strategin, hooman EMPLOYER MARKETING 
Sarah Böning | Gründerin, Talent Centric |

Sarah Böning

Gründerin, Talent Centric
Robindro Ullah | CEO, Trendence Insitut |

Robindro Ullah

CEO, Trendence Insitut
Lukas Brandstetter | Talent Acquisition Lead DACH, Danone |

Lukas Brandstetter

Talent Acquisition Lead DACH, Danone

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