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AI in Marketing - Professional Guide

AI in Marketing - Professional Guide

Dein praxisnaher Leitfaden. Erschienen August 2024.
4 Bewertungen
149 €

*inkl. MwSt

Das erwartet dich:

✓ 130 Seiten zum Thema künstliche Intelligenz im Marketing
✓ Konkrete Anwendungen, Best Practices und Checklisten
✓ Alles zu den Themen Prompting, Strategie und KI-Integration
✓ Inkl. Liste der besten Marketing-Prompts und nützliche KI-Tools
In den Warenkorb

*Angaben inkl. deutscher Umsatzsteuer. Steuerliche Abweichungen für Auslandskäufe.

Deine Vorteile

Direkt aus der Praxis

Du profitierst von der langjährigen Erfahrung unserer Expert*innen, die ihr Praxis-Wissen in diesem Report aufgeschrieben haben.

Sofort anwendbar

Du erhältst Tipps und Strategien, die wirklich funktionieren und deinem Business unmittelbar weiterhelfen.

Intensiv und erfolgversprechend

Jeder Report enthält praktische Checklisten, Templates, Screencasts und Schritt-für-Schritt-Anleitungen, die du direkt für dich nutzen kannst.

Why this OMR report will help you with AI in marketing

Everyone is talking about artificial intelligence, but only a few companies are benefiting from it. With the OMR report “AI in Marketing” we are giving you a helping hand. This guide gives you an overview of the Functioning of Artificial Intelligence in Business. You will learn which concrete applications of AI in marketing are possible and what the limits are. The OMR Report also prepares you for the changes brought about by the technology. Because one thing is clear: to implement AI, means changing processes, building competencies in the organization and identifying tools and use cases that will really advance your marketing.

Find out how to integrate AI seamlessly into your existing processes. From selecting the right tools to training your employees and adapting your marketing strategy – this guide shows you the way to successful AI integration.

And so that it doesn’t just stay with theory, the OMR Report provides you with the appropriate checklists, downloads and instructions. You will learn from companies like Henkel, Melitta and Jung von Matthow they went about integrating AI and what pitfalls there were so you can avoid them.

KI im Marketing Vorschau OMR Report
KI im Marketing OMR Report Vorschau

How to stay ahead of your competition with this OMR report

The OMR Report combines theory with practice. It not only shows you concrete AI use cases for your everyday work and each of the marketing phases – from the idea to the implementation of the campaigns – but also gives you a guide for the strategic approach that you can follow. You will also find expert interviews on ethical and legal aspects AI integration and the topic of “AI governance” so that you are on the safe side right from the start.

In the chapter "Prompt Engineering" you will get the most important tips on how to structure and formulate prompts. Learn what makes good prompts so that they really work. As a bonus, you will receive a list of the most important prompts for your marketing – try it out now.

After reading this practical guide, you will know what preparations you need to make in order to work efficiently with AI You will know the most important marketing use cases of AI while your competitors are just experimenting with ChatGPT. This will equip you to use AI to implement sustainably in your marketing and benefit from it immediately. Because whether you want it or not, sooner or later you will have to take these steps anyway. Get the guide now and benefit directly from this knowledge advantage.

Customer Reviews

Based on 4 reviews
Sara Hallbauer
Leider zu wenig konkrete Beispiele

Bin leider vom Guide sehr enttäuscht- gerade beim
Kapitel automations hätte ich mir mehr konkrete Use Cases zum nachbauen gewünscht. So bleibt der Guide leider sehr oberflächlich und ist eher für Einsteiger gedacht als für Professionals - wie der Titel verspricht

Markus Fischer
Großartige Veröffentlichung!

Kompakt und dennoch umfassend, tiefgehend und doch verständlich, grundlegend und doch komplex. Richtig gut.

Nils Knäpper

KI im Marketing – Professional Guide

Burkhard vollmer




(4 Bewertungen)

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Jens Polomski | Berater und Co-Founder | snipKI

Jens Polomski

Berater und Co-Founder
Diese Köpfe stecken hinter den Inhalten
Anna Rüde | AI Strategy Expert

Anna Rüde

AI Strategy Expert
Kai Spriestersbach | Inhaber | AFAIK

Kai Spriestersbach

Jens Polomski | Berater und Co-Founder | snipKI

Jens Polomski

Berater und Co-Founder

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