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LinkedIn Marketing - Professional Guide

LinkedIn Marketing - Professional Guide

Dein praxisnaher Leitfaden. Erschienen Januar 2025
4 Bewertungen
149 €

*inkl. MwSt

Das erwartet dich:

✓ 110 Seiten zum Thema Marketing auf LinkedIn
✓ Strategien, Hands-on-Tipps und Work Sheets
✓ Alles zu den Themen LinkedIn Ads, Company Page und Corporate Influencing
✓ Best Practices von LinkedIn Top Voices und Ads-Expert*innen
In den Warenkorb

*Angaben inkl. deutscher Umsatzsteuer. Steuerliche Abweichungen für Auslandskäufe.

Deine Vorteile

Direkt aus der Praxis

Du profitierst von der langjährigen Erfahrung unserer Expert*innen, die ihr Praxis-Wissen in diesem Report aufgeschrieben haben.

Sofort anwendbar

Du erhältst Tipps und Strategien, die wirklich funktionieren und deinem Business unmittelbar weiterhelfen.

Intensiv und erfolgversprechend

Jeder Report enthält praktische Checklisten, Templates, Screencasts und Schritt-für-Schritt-Anleitungen, die du direkt für dich nutzen kannst.

Why this OMR report helps you with your marketing on LinkedIn

LinkedIn is the perfect platform to present yourself and your company. Whether it is about employer branding, ads in the B2B sector, social selling or building your company's reputation - the business platform is the contact point for brands and companies.

With the OMR Report: LinkedIn Marketing – Professional Guide you will not only get a helping hand with building your company page, our experts will show you in five compact chapters how you can create a successful advertising strategy for LinkedIn, Content that appeals to your target audience and how to corporate influencers work together to achieve your business goals together.

You will learn what realistic goals you can achieve with a Company Page on LinkedIn and get Templates, Worksheets and Pro Tipsthat will help you develop your strategy.

Linkedin Marketing Vorschau OMR Report
LinkedIn Marketing OMR Report Vorschau

What you can expect in this report

The OMR Report LinkedIn Marketing on LinkedIn – Professional Guide helps you to achieve your goals in the B2B sector. It combines theory and practice. You not only get strategic instructions for building your employer or business brand. This guide also shows you practical examples and the approach of various LinkedIn expertsthat you can orient yourself by.

  • Building a Successful Company Page (Britta Behrens, Certified LinkedIn Marketing Expert) –
    Tips on how to create a company page that represents your company and helps with recruiting.
  • Corporate Influencing (Céline Flores Willes & Nina Killes, The People Branding Company) –
    Instructions and strategies for using corporate influencers to achieve your goals.
  • content creation (Theresa Steinbauer, Social Strategy & Campaigns Consultant, Ray Sono) –
    Hands-on tips for effective content creation as a company.
  • LinkedIn Ads (Alexander Boecker, Nerds) –
    Use and optimization of LinkedIn Ads in the B2B sector, including insights from Henrik Ihlo, Director at LinkedIn Marketing Solutions DACH.
  • Attractive creatives (Niklas Fazler, Senior Content Solutions Consultant at LinkedIn) –
    Instructions on how to create creatives for organic posts and ads.

After reading this practical guide, you will be able to approach LinkedIn marketing both strategically and operationally, so that you can quickly get closer to your goals with the platform. With this edition of the OMR Report, you can open up another communication channel that you can use for yourself and your company.

OMR Report LinkedIn Bundle Double LinkedIn knowledge – Get the bundle now
With our OMR Report Bundle you get the guide to LinkedIn Marketing and the OMR Report on personal branding on LinkedIn at a special price of 199 euros instead of 298 euros. Click here to get the bundle.

Customer Reviews

Based on 4 reviews
FINIDORE Manufaktur GmbH
Guter LinkedIn Guide

Der Guide ist an vielen Stellen voller hilfreicher Informationen und Details. Einige Punkte konnten wir direkt umsetzen. An anderen Stellen ist er leider wiederum zu oberflächlich.

Carla von Eysmondt

LinkedIn Marketing – Professional Guide

Burkhard vollmer
Deutlich verständlich


Sarah Jürs
Life changing

Der Report ist absolut empfehlenswert. Ich habe super viel gelernt. Jeden Cent wert!



(4 Bewertungen)

50.000+ Fachkräfte bilden sich pro Jahr mit OMR Education weiter.

Weitere Bewertungen anzeigen.

Diese Köpfe stecken hinter den Inhalten
Britta Behrens | Certified LinkedIn-Marketing-Expertin

Britta Behrens

Certified LinkedIn-Marketing-Expertin
Céline Flores Willers | Gründerin The People Branding Company, LinkedIn Top Voice

Céline Flores Willers

Gründerin The People Branding Company, LinkedIn Top Voice
Nina Killes | Head of Corporate Influencing, The People Branding Company

Nina Killes

Head of Corporate Influencing, The People Branding Company
Theresa Steinbauer | Social Strategy & Campaigns Consultant, Ray Sono

Theresa Steinbauer

Social Strategy & Campaigns Consultant, Ray Sono
Dr. Anna Lena Füllsack | Rechtsanwältin | CMS Hasche Sigle

Dr. Anna Lena Füllsack

CMS Hasche Sigle
Alexander Boecker | Mitgründer Nerds GmbH

Alexander Boecker

Mitgründer Nerds GmbH
Niklas Fazler | Senior Content Solutions Consultant, LinkedIn

Niklas Fazler

Senior Content Solutions Consultant, LinkedIn
Henrik Ihlo | Director, LinkedIn Marketing Solutions (DACH)

Henrik Ihlo

Director, LinkedIn Marketing Solutions (DACH)
Diese Köpfe stecken hinter den Inhalten
Britta Behrens | Certified LinkedIn-Marketing-Expertin

Britta Behrens

Certified LinkedIn-Marketing-Expertin
Céline Flores Willers | Gründerin The People Branding Company, LinkedIn Top Voice

Céline Flores Willers

Gründerin The People Branding Company, LinkedIn Top Voice
Nina Killes | Head of Corporate Influencing, The People Branding Company

Nina Killes

Head of Corporate Influencing, The People Branding Company
Theresa Steinbauer | Social Strategy & Campaigns Consultant, Ray Sono

Theresa Steinbauer

Social Strategy & Campaigns Consultant, Ray Sono
Dr. Anna Lena Füllsack | Rechtsanwältin | CMS Hasche Sigle

Dr. Anna Lena Füllsack

CMS Hasche Sigle
Alexander Boecker | Mitgründer Nerds GmbH

Alexander Boecker

Mitgründer Nerds GmbH
Niklas Fazler | Senior Content Solutions Consultant, LinkedIn

Niklas Fazler

Senior Content Solutions Consultant, LinkedIn
Henrik Ihlo | Director, LinkedIn Marketing Solutions (DACH)

Henrik Ihlo

Director, LinkedIn Marketing Solutions (DACH)

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✓ Anerkennung: OMR Academy Abschlusszertifikat.

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