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TikTok for Brands – Fundamental Guide

TikTok for Brands – Fundamental Guide

Dein praxisnaher Leitfaden. Erschienen Oktober 2024.
149 €

*inkl. MwSt

Das erwartet dich:

✓ Über 120 Seiten zu Personal Branding auf der Business-Plattform
✓ Strategien, Hands-on-Tipps und Work Sheets
✓ Alles zu Content-Erstellung, Netzwerkaufbau und Profil-Optimierung
✓ Best Practices von LinkedIn Top Voices und Personal-Branding-Expert*innen
In den Warenkorb

*Angaben inkl. deutscher Umsatzsteuer. Steuerliche Abweichungen für Auslandskäufe.

Deine Vorteile

Direkt aus der Praxis

Du profitierst von der langjährigen Erfahrung unserer Expert*innen, die ihr Praxis-Wissen in diesem Report aufgeschrieben haben.

Sofort anwendbar

Du erhältst Tipps und Strategien, die wirklich funktionieren und deinem Business unmittelbar weiterhelfen.

Intensiv und erfolgversprechend

Jeder Report enthält praktische Checklisten, Templates, Screencasts und Schritt-für-Schritt-Anleitungen, die du direkt für dich nutzen kannst.

Why this report will help you use TikTok for your business

TikTok is a reach-getter and an indispensable part of today's marketing mix. Around 21 million people in Germany use the platform every month. As a brand, you benefit from an active community that loves engagement and is open to creative content. But as colorful as the world of TikTok is, if you want to be successful here, you have to act strategically and know what you are doing. The potential for failure is huge because the target group mercilessly punishes offensive advertising and boring content from brands.

This OMR report shows you how you can achieve your goals with the right strategy. You can achieve reach on TikTok, create awareness and even generate sales and leads. You will learn what a good content strategy looks like and how to approach collaborations with creators. You will also get to know the individual content formats, get tips for more reach and insights into the TikTok algorithm. This means your videos don't get stuck in the dark corners of TikTok, but reach the people who are really interested in your brand and your products.

Last but not least, this OMR report gives you insights into TikTok's Ads Manager. You'll get valuable tips on how to save money in the long term with a test-and-learn strategy and still gain reach. With this strategy alone you are already way ahead of your competition.

Kapitel 1 Performance Marketing

Your competitive advantage in TikTok marketing

After reading this OMR report, you will be able to use TikTok to achieve your goals while your competitors are burning through budget and resources due to a lack of strategy. Of course, we also have a lot of practical knowledge ready. Learn from numerous best practices such as Glückspilz and Ergo how companies have managed to successfully use TikTok for themselves.

So that you are legally on the safe side with all of this, it is also about data protection and the most important legal aspects that you have to consider. Last but not least, the screencasts, templates and checklists in this report help you apply the knowledge directly to your business.

The practical experience and knowledge of the experts in this guide enable you to get started quickly in TikTok marketing so that you don't lose time or money. Make sure you have an edge in knowledge now and get the OMR report “TikTok for Brands – Fundamental Guide” for your business.

Diese Köpfe stecken hinter den Inhalten
Britta Behrens | Certified LinkedIn-Marketing-Expertin

Britta Behrens

Certified LinkedIn-Marketing-Expertin
Céline Flores Willers | CEO & Founder, The People Branding Company

Céline Flores Willers

CEO & Founder, The People Branding Company
Jule Peters | Senior Content Creatorin, The People Branding Company

Jule Peters

Senior Content Creatorin, The People Branding Company
Emma-Isadora Hagen | Business-Creatorin

Emma-Isadora Hagen

Marius Müller | Experte für Personal Branding und Corporate Influencing, Snocks

Marius Müller

Experte für Personal Branding und Corporate Influencing, Snocks
Theresa Steinbauer | Social Strategy & Campaigns Consultant, Ray Sono

Theresa Steinbauer

Social Strategy & Campaigns Consultant, Ray Sono
Katrin Stockinger | Managing Director, Noles

Katrin Stockinger

Managing Director, Noles
Tim Jaschke | Gründer Werbung mit Wumms GmbH, Content Creator

Tim Jaschke

Gründer Werbung mit Wumms GmbH, Content Creator
Nico Brunotte | Rechtsanwalt und Partner, DLA Piper UK LLP

Nico Brunotte

Rechtsanwalt und Partner, DLA Piper UK LLP
Diese Köpfe stecken hinter den Inhalten
Britta Behrens | Certified LinkedIn-Marketing-Expertin

Britta Behrens

Certified LinkedIn-Marketing-Expertin
Céline Flores Willers | CEO & Founder, The People Branding Company

Céline Flores Willers

CEO & Founder, The People Branding Company
Jule Peters | Senior Content Creatorin, The People Branding Company

Jule Peters

Senior Content Creatorin, The People Branding Company
Emma-Isadora Hagen | Business-Creatorin

Emma-Isadora Hagen

Marius Müller | Experte für Personal Branding und Corporate Influencing, Snocks

Marius Müller

Experte für Personal Branding und Corporate Influencing, Snocks
Theresa Steinbauer | Social Strategy & Campaigns Consultant, Ray Sono

Theresa Steinbauer

Social Strategy & Campaigns Consultant, Ray Sono
Katrin Stockinger | Managing Director, Noles

Katrin Stockinger

Managing Director, Noles
Tim Jaschke | Gründer Werbung mit Wumms GmbH, Content Creator

Tim Jaschke

Gründer Werbung mit Wumms GmbH, Content Creator
Nico Brunotte | Rechtsanwalt und Partner, DLA Piper UK LLP

Nico Brunotte

Rechtsanwalt und Partner, DLA Piper UK LLP

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