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Facebook & Instagram Advertising – Beginners Guide

Facebook & Instagram Advertising – Beginners Guide

Dein praxisnaher Leitfaden als PDF. Erschienen Oktober 2020.
149 €

*inkl. MwSt

Das erwartet dich:

✓ 140 Seiten Expert*innenwissen zu Facebook & Instagram Advertising
✓ 7 Screencasts zum Business- und Werbeanzeigenmanager
✓ Baupläne für ein einfaches und fortgeschrittenes Kampagnensetup
✓ Interview mit Rechtsanwältin und Datenschutzexpertin Lisa Pytel
✓ Einfach erklärt und direkt anwendbar

Hinweis: Dieser Report enthält noch nicht die Neuerungen durch Apples iOS-14-Update. Aber keine Sorge, es betrifft nur sehr wenige Inhalte in diesem Guide.

*Angaben inkl. deutscher Umsatzsteuer. Steuerliche Abweichungen für Auslandskäufe.

Deine Vorteile

Direkt aus der Praxis

Du profitierst von der langjährigen Erfahrung unserer Expert*innen, die ihr Praxis-Wissen in diesem Report aufgeschrieben haben.

Sofort anwendbar

Du erhältst Tipps und Strategien, die wirklich funktionieren und deinem Business unmittelbar weiterhelfen.

Intensiv und erfolgversprechend

Jeder Report enthält praktische Checklisten, Templates, Screencasts und Schritt-für-Schritt-Anleitungen, die du direkt für dich nutzen kannst.

Note: This report is currently being updated. Check out our other performance marketing training courses here or get our Facebook & Instagram Ads Professional Guide.

Why Facebook and Instagram Ads are important for your business

With 2.8 billion users worldwide, Facebook is without question one of the most important platforms for you as an advertiser. Almost all of your customers are active on Facebook and/or Instagram. This means that the platform has a unique data treasure that you can access as an advertiser person can fall back on.

The quality of the user data and the enormous user base is only one side of the coin. The other is that Facebook provides you with versatile targeting options at your disposal  Because without a doubt, the targeting options for Facebook Advertising are among the best in the world. There is no campaign goal that you cannot achieve with enough budget and the right campaign - regardless of whether you want to advertise on Facebook, Instagram or Messenger.

Win branding, sales, leads, remarketing or new customers - deliver Facebook and Instagram ads with an impressive Accuracy. If you're not here, you're missing out on potential and reach. This report basically shows you how you can use the possibilities of the Facebook advertising cosmos can make full use of it so that exactly that doesn't happen. Little note: This report does not yet contain the new features of Apple's iOS 14 update. But don't worry, it only affects a very limited amount of content in this guide.

Facebook & Instagram Werbung – Einsteiger Guide Einblick
Facebook & Instagram Werbung – Einsteiger Guide Einblick

Why this report will help you successfully use Facebook and Instagram Ads for your business

Entering the world of Facebook advertising and thus fighting for the attention of users requires a lot of effort from you as an advertiser. Because Facebook and Instagram Ads are not automatic successes! The Beginners Guide to Facebook and Instagram Advertising will help you with exactly that.

You will learn from scratch how to set up the Facebook Business Manager and the Ads Manager sensibly and how to set up your campaigns and optimize and which Targeting tips and tools you need to know to survive in the Facebook cosmos.

This report is chock full of Step-by-step instructions and valuable tips and tricks so that you learn the craft properly right from the start and have the right basis for your ads.Because only those who deal with the Facebook pixel, custom and lookalike audiences and the specific campaign strategies and understand how they work will be able to assert themselves against the competition later.

Why you can stay one step ahead of your competition with this report

In this report you will learn from the best in the industry. Our lead author Florian Litterst is an absolute Facebook expert and has been in the advertising cosmos for years . He not only knows every button, but also shows you which strategies really make sense - and what you should stay away from.

Take advantage of the opportunity to learn from an experienced professional and increase your learning curve - it's better to leave time-consuming trial and error to your competition. Once you understand how users can be turned into new customers by addressing them with target group-relevant content, you have to your ads basically just scale.

And this report also removes a stumbling block that you shouldn't stumble over: Data protection and GDPR. For this reason, we conducted an interview for you with the lawyer and data protection expert Lisa Pytel, in which You will find out what you have to pay legal attention to when it comes to Facebook advertising.

The bottom line is that with this guide you will get the knowledge you need to quickly get up to speed on Facebook and Instagram advertising and the foundation for sustainable success to form – simply explained and directly applicable!

Facebook & Instagram Werbung – Einsteiger Guide Einblick

Customer Reviews

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Geballtes Fachwissen in einem Guide

Bereits die ersten Seiten des Guides sind super informativ. Das Layout ist ansprechend gestaltet. Selbst, wenn man sich mit dem Thema schon befasst hat, bekommt man hier noch einmal tolle Einblicke und fachliche Kniffe. Sehr zu empfehlen!

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Florian Litterst | |

Florian Litterst
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Florian Litterst | |

Florian Litterst

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